Sunday, June 12, 2011

no worries..

They're "concerned."
They're clearly, worried about my future,right?
I mean thats what they all say.
Apparently im "wasting" my potential
&it saddens them to see such talent in someone who doesn't use it.
Do i not deserve it?
Why am i not in school?
 Why can't i stay somewhere for longer than a month?
Why am i so unhappy?
why am i not using my "potential to my advantage?
How can i possibly use ANYTHING to my advantage when im not satisfied?
Would i actually be advancing with anything if i were to be an artist?
how about singing? let me sing to you..
"THIS IS MY LIFE, let me live it."
yeah i should probably stick to my day job..
wait day job? what is that?
because i'm only familiar with a grave shift..
for something i'm not sure i even want.
They all want it..
They tell me to keep going..
i am content RIGHT HERE..
i like to write, let me write for the rest of my life..
take the magic from my escape, 
crowd my paradise with compliments and unfriendly critics
I'll paint, thats it, ill just paint.
Put this color here, a color i cant erase..
but when im done this masterpeice, 
what will it really matter?
a couple dollars in my pocket
while someone else enjoys the view of my canvas on their wall?
no thankyou.
I will be want i want to be,
when i want to be..
let me find me.
it may take a while
but when i find her
i'll be sure to introduce you.


  1. that's just what my 17 year old says and I just let her be her... and i support her. It's all I can do. I wish I had that support when I was her age to just be me and find who that really was... I loved this one.. Take your time, you have the rest of your life......

  2. eh yes, but im 20 lol and thankyou for you compliments!
